Santal tribe have total twelve different surnames, which are Hansda, Mandi, Kisku, Murmu, Baskey, Saren, Hembram, Tudu, Besra, Chanre, Pawriya, and Sawali. Though some people said Santal have total eleven surnames but most of the Santal Dharam Gurus said Santal’s have total twelve surnames. The main reason of this controversy is the non written mythology of Santal’s. Though now we have some written scriptures of Santal tribe but in the beginning they didn’t had any written scripture or mythology. Santal people raise their traditions, culture and other customs by sharing oral technique. Today we will discuss the story of this twelve surnames. Remember this whole statement we are giving, it’s totally depends on the data we collect from the Santali scriptures and Santali mythology. We don’t claim any statement is proven from any association. We are delivering the data that we have got by serving the Santal tribe.Importance:
Surnames are not just for names. For Santal people it is a whole border line to other surnames of Santal. As we know marriage is the one of most important thing for any cast, religion or to the person. We judge a person in various way as husband/wife. But in Santali tradition surnames are the key of the marriage. Because the Santali tradition have a faith that “Siblings Marriages” are one of the biggest shame and same surnames means they are siblings. So marriage between same surnames is not allowed in Santal tradition. But remember when two different person who have same surnames they will always see each other as brothers not like enemy. This is the most beautiful thing of Santal tribe, it doesn’t matter who you are, where are you form, if you have same surnames then we are brothers. We will discuss that stuff later, today just focus on how these twelve surnames are and what is their history.
Summary Of Story:
This is the story of that time when “Pilchu Haram” and “Pilchu Buri” were dividing their descendants into different clan and giving them separate names. In this time the descendants of “Pilchu Haram” and “Pilchu Buri” went to the hunting and they separate them self into the two different groups. One group hunted down a deer and after that they sat under the Peter Bare, Khade Matkam, Ere Atna, Lepech Tiril and Saari Sharjam trees and started to slaughtering the deer meat. Other group also hunted down a “Murum” and they sat at “Shaharbera” they were also slaughtering the meat of Murum. By slaughtering the meat second group got thirsty and they came to the Pilchu Haram's hut and asked for water.'They came and called father Pilchu Haram, where are you old man, are you in house? Pilchu Haram replied to them— We are inside the hut. What is the matter my sons? We are very thirsty father give us some water to drink.
Then Pilchu Haram said— Oh Pilchu Buri, do you have water to drink? Yes I have. Pilchu Buri replied.
Then give it to our children, they got very thirsty.
Who has came? Pilchu Buri asked “Pilchu Haram”.
They are elder brothers. Give them water first they are very thirsty.
Pilchu Buri came out from the hut and gave them water to drink. She asked them where had you been? And where are the others? We went to the edge of the “Shahar Bera” there we hunt down a Murum and we were slaughtering that Murum there. Others were went to the side of “Sasang Bera”. Two brothers drinks water and left.
After that “Pilchu Buri” said, dear Pilchu Haram give separate names to our children. Because some time I really got confused upon those. I mean elder brother, middle brother, younger brother these titles are doesn’t identify them accurately. Because they are total seven brothers and eight sisters.
Yah you are right. Even I also got confused sometimes to acknowledge them until I saw them face to face.
Yah exactly. Pilchu Buri replied.
Pilchu Haram said okay. I am giving these two a separate name from others. From now the elder of all brothers and sisters will be called “Hansda” and other one who have came with exe he will be called as “Mandi”. After that step by step all the brothers of each groups came to the Pilchu Haram and Pilchu Buri’s hut and asked for water and Pilchu Haram continues to giving separate names. As results the first nine clan or surnames got revealed. Which are “Hansda, Mandi, Saren, Kisku, Hembram, Tudu, Baskey , Besra, and Murmu. Other three surnames or clan that are Chanre, Pawriya, and Sawali were established by their own self. According to Santali dharam Gurus at that time human race started to evolve and this three more clans were created by the first nine clan. Because day by day the clan members were increasing and they got married to their other nine clan members. As result It was getting difficult to maintain the order of their tradition, so they increase the three more clan and give them separate names. In spite of that the problem doesn’t solve. So they divided their own clan into the twelve types and give them a separate names from each other. It’s mean if someone have same surnames but their type is different then they can be get married.
Twelve Clans:
So many years passed. Now each brothers have their own clan members, own politics, own mind set. The era where seven brothers went to hunting together is no more. Now they have their own territory. Each territory was organised by their supreme five leaders called “Majhi, Godeth, Nayke, Jakhmajhi, and Paranik. They have different names of their territory (Garh). They have their own signature symbols. Each clan have a speciality. As a example Tudu who had expertise in singing and dancing, same as Saren had expertise on war.Twelve Clans
Hansda (Purudhul)
1. Chil Binda Hansda 2. Abar Hansda 3.Ag Hanada 4.Kara Gunja Hansda 5.Badwar Hansda 6.Kunda Hanada 7.Kahu Hansda 8.Sank Hansda 9.Sale Hansda 10.Kedwar Hansda 11.Jugi Hansda 12.Bodo Hansda
Kutam Puri Garh :
The territory of Hansda clan is called “Kutam Puri Garh”. There are two more territory was ruled by Hansda clan, one is “Ichag Garh” and other one is “Chai Garh”. Hansda clan had expertise on knowledge. Knowledge of justice, knowledge of their traditions , knowledge about world. That’s why they called as “Purudhul”. Which means someone who was from the beginning.Hansda clan use Hansli named symbol to introduce their clan.Kisku (Rapaj)
1.Garh Kisku 2.Kara Kisku 3.San Kisku 4.Bital Kisku 5.Jihu kisku 6.Katwar Kisku 7.Ra Lutur Kisku 8.Sada Kisku 9.Abar Kisku 10.Aad Kisku 11.Ladh Kisku 12.Sore Kisku
Koyda Garh
Koyda Garh was the territory of Kisku clan. In Santali folk, Kisku clan was considered as the King of all clans. Because Kisku clan had expertise on ruling and maintaining the law and order. They were very good at making tactics and strategies. For this quality even now Santal’s call Kisku clan as “Rapaj”. Which means the person who knows how to maintain a reign.Kisku clan used a straight line as symbol and "Paira" was the symbol name.
Murmu (Thakur)
1.Tika Mrmu 2.Abar Murmu 3.Champa Murmu 4.Khara Murmu 5.Bital Murmu 6.Aag Murmu 7.Ladh Murmu 8.Aadwa Murmu 9.Garh Murmu 10.Kara Murmu 11.Chapeyar Murmu 12.Khili Murmu
Champa Garh
Champa Garh was ruled by Murmu clan. Who were specifically blessed by Santal’s Kuldevta and this clan had expertise on devotion. That’s why till now Santal’s call them Murmu Thakur. Thakur means one who worship gods or the nearest person to God. Murmu clan used two straight line as their symbol and they named it "Jora Dandi".
Mandi (Kisar)
1.Miru Baha Mandi 2.Gaad Mandi 3.Buru Rebedh Mandi 4.Hensel Mandi 5.Khara Jagaw Mandi 6.Bital Mandi 7.Rath Mandi 8.Pond Mandi 9.Rupa Mandi 10.Goda Mandi 11.Kendwar Mandi 12.Kara Mandi
Badoli Garh
According to Santali folk Mandi clan was considered as Zamindar of Santal’s . Santali folk claim that Mandi clan was the richest clan of Santali folks. They have expertise on extraordinary farming skills. That’s why till now Santal’s acknowledge Mandi clan as Kisar. Which means a rich man. Mandi clan used a arrow as their symbol.
Tudu (Rushika)
1.Churuj Tudu 2.Gaad Tudu 3.Aag Tudu 4.Kutam Tudu 5.Lukai Tudu 6.Bhakta Tudu 7.Jugi Tudu 8.Dantela Tudu 9.Bital Tudu 10.Abar Tudu 11.Karharh Tudu 12.Chighi Tudu
Sim Garh
Tudu clan was the cheeriest clan among all others clan and Sim Garh was their territory. They had expertise on singing and dancing. For this quality till now they were called as “Rusica”. Which means the one who mastered all type of song and dance. Their symbol was a crossed circle.Saren (Sipahi)
1.Sidup Saren 2.Turku Lumang Saren 3.Sada Saren 4.Jugi Saren 5.Ra Lutur Saren 6.Bachi Saren 7.Pond Saren 8.Badarh Saren 9.Sank Saren 10.Manda Saren 11. Dantela Saren 12.Khara Saren
Chai Baher Garh
Saren had “Chai Baher Garh”. Saren clan was considered as soldiers clan. This clan members had extra ordinary skills on fighting and self sacrifice was rooted to their bloodline.Saren used a eeg shaped cricle as their symbol.Hembram
1.Guwa Hembram 2.Handi Hembram 3.Badarh Hembram 4.Garh Hembram 5.Dantela Hembram 6.Ladh Hembram 7.Kuwar Hembram 8.Laher Hembram 9.Sada Hembram 10.Bital Hembram 11.Haat Hembram 12.Aag Hembram
Khairi Garh
Hembram clan was considered as ruler of Khairi Garh. Pottery was expertise of Hembram Clan.Their symbol name was "Banag Dang".Baskey (Bepari)
Horboloyam Garh
Santali folks considered Baskey clan as business mans. Baskey clan was travelled various landmarks and they had more knowledge about the world’s other territories compared to the other clans.Besra
1.Garh Besra 2.Baidarh Besra 3.Saokari Besra 4.Sada Besra 5.Kanra Besra 6.Abar Besra 7.Aag Besra 8.Ladh Besra 9.San Besra 10.Lamag Besra 11.Ra Lutur Besra 12.Kuhi Besra
Bonsariya Garh
1.Chanchar Hadh Chanre 2.Aarag Sindur Chanre 3.Chapeyar Chanre 4.Sada Chanre 5.Bital Chanre 6.Bonga Chanre 7.Abar Chanre 8.Aag Chanre 9.Ladh Chanre 10.Garh Chanre 11.Kahu Chanre 12.Nij Chanre
Jange Kade Garh
1.Majhi Khili Pawriya 2.Sada Pawriya 3.Abar Pawriya 4.Bital Pawriya 5.Tore Sutam Pawriya 6.Jugi Pawriya 7.Ra Lutur Pawriya 8.Turku Pawriya 9.Kara Pawriya 10.Gidi Pawriya 11.San Pawriya 12.Handi Pawriya
Bama Garh
Holong Gada Garh
For More Info Check Source: Santali Karam Binti, Santali Jamsim Binti, Santali Bhadan Binti, Santali Dong Sereng, Santali Lagre Sereng, Santali Baha Sereng.
What about Gedwar ?
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